Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Booker news, book news

The winner of this year's Man Booker Prize is Eleanor Catton, for her work The Luminaries.  I've read only the dustjacket so far, but I knew when I first got my copy earlier this summer that it was going to be good just from the blurb.  Now I must find time for 800+ pages of reading time, but it will definitely get read before Christmas.


In other book news, I got my Indiespensable package today which contained a signed copy of  J.M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus:

And while this probably isn't any big deal to most people, it's my second favorite signed edition since Adam Johnson's The Orphan Master's Son.   Not that I'd ever sell it, but I love J.M. Coetzee's work so this is meaningful.

that's it for now ... I am just finishing Stephen King's The Shining and I've already finished his Dr. Sleep in the spirit of reading scary stuff this month; since the two are connected, I'll be writing about them together.  

Anyway, congratulations to Eleanor Catton for her win.  She's only 28!


  1. Wow, a signed Coetzee! Sounds luscious. I just purchased the audio of THE LUMINARIES by E. Catton, so we'll have reviews coming about the same time. Just finished THE LOWLAND by Lahiri and at first was aghast that she was up for so many awards for what I viewed as a "flawed" title. Later someone pointed out that this was intentional, and perhaps as painful for her to write as it was for us to read. Interesting. I think I "got" it then.

    1. I know -- I was like "yes!" when I saw that it Indiespensable's pick.

      You would so enjoy Dissident Gardens!


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