Just recently announced is the longlist for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, which probably just upped my tbr pile that I'm so desperately trying to reduce. Aarrgh!! Can't help it ... foreign fiction is what I love most. There are three carryovers from the Man Asia Literary Prize on the list -- and one of these, Dream of Ding Village, which was my favorite book of 2011, is banned in China. It will be interesting to see what will happen if this book actually wins either of these literary awards.
Here's the list (copied from today's issue of The Bookseller); a * means I have it on my shelves:
1Q84: Books 1 and 2 by Haruki Murakami, translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin (Harvill Secker) *
Alice by Judith Hermann, translated from the German by Margot Bettauer Dembo (The Clerkenwell Press)*
Scenes From Village Life by Amos Oz, translated from the Hebrew by Nicholas De Lange (Chatto & Windus)
Blooms of Darkness by Aharon Appelfeld, translated from the Hebrew by Jeffrey M. Green (Alma Books)
Dream of Ding Village by Yan Lianke, translated from the Chinese by Cindy Carter (Corsair) *
The Emperor of Lies by Steve Sem-Sandberg, translated from the Swedish by Sarah Death (Faber)
From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón, translated from the Icelandic by Victoria Cribb (Telegram Books)*
Hate: A Romance by Tristan Garcia, translated from the French by Marion Duvert and Lorin Stein (Faber)
New Finnish Grammar by Diego Marani, translated from the Italian by Judith Landry (Dedalus)*
Next World Novella by Matthias Politycki, translated from the German by Anthea Bell (Peirene Press)
Parallel Stories by Peter Nadas, translated from the Hungarian by Imre Goldstein (Jonathan Cape) *
Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin, translated from the Korean by Shin Chi-Young Kim (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)*
The Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco, translated from the Italian by Richard Dixon (Harvill Secker)*
Professor Andersen's Night by Dag Solstad, translated from the Norwegian by Agnes Scott Langeland (Harvill Secker)*
Seven Houses in France by Bernardo Atxaga, translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa (Harvill Secker)
oh dear...six I don't have. Best be getting out the credit card!
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