Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Adding two more challenges to the list -- what the hell

My tbr pile is absolutely out of control, something I noticed when I started having to slide books around on my office floor to get to my computer.  I'm 100% determined to cut down the number of books that have been laying around here forever.  So I'm adding two more challenges to the list to help pare down the number of unread books.

First is the Aussie Author Challenge, which is hosted by Jo at Booklover Book Reviews and has been an ongoing part of my reading life for the last two years.  I think I contributed a whopping grand total of 6 books read for that challenge last year, but at least I cleared out that many books from my shelves.  Six doesn't sound like a whole lot, but it's shelf space. I absolutely adore Jo and all of the other book people from Australia I've met through the internet, and I'm hoping I can make it to the 12-book "Dinky-di" level this year.  I've got a ton of Aussie books that will work for that challenge, and they'll work for the Mt. TBR challenge as well.

Moving on to number two, this is a first for me: the 2012 South Asian Challenge hosted by S. Krishna at her website, S. Krishna's Books.  I've become a lot more serious about literature from this area of the world lately, and have a number of books from this region that need to stop being neglected. I'll start of with 12 books for the year and see if I can do more.

Since I can't keep track of every single book for every single challenge on a list on the sidebar, I'll be posting a monthly challenge tracker to see how far I've come.

More books read means more books to new homes -- so stay tuned.


  1. It's a pleasure to have you joining us again in 2012 Nancy! Can't wait to see what Aussie authors you having lurking in those piles on your floor.

    1. Thanks, Jo! I'm looking forward to it. I tried to comment but couldn't find the comment space on the post. Not surprising for me ... it was probably there in plain sight and I missed it.


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.