Thursday, August 2, 2012

-- non-Booker post (well, a nonpost, really): The Devil in Silver, by Victor LaValle

Spiegel and Grau, 2012
432 pp

Run, do not walk, to your bookstore, library or wherever you find your books and grab a copy of this novel. 

The book isn't being released for another few weeks so I won't do a full review just yet, but as a heads-up, one will be coming down the pike and it's going to say what an awesome novel this is.  It is highly intelligent yet satirical, funny in a dark sort of way and filled with the most amazing people.  I don't know why, but the blurb calls it a "thrillingly suspenseful work of literary horror..." which may lead some prospective readers to not read it because of the 'literary horror' label.  Move on to the next part of the blurb where it notes ..."about friendship, love, and the courage to slay our own demons,"  and it's more on the money.  And there's another constant in the novel -- Vincent van Gogh.  I won't say more now, but I'll definitely recommend it before I talk about it in fuller depth later.

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