Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Monday! What am I reading?

Today's installment of It's Monday (hosted by Sheila at Book Journey) is quite short, since there's basically nothing to report. 

Read and reviewed last week, which was incredibly busy with little time to spare:
  The Magnificent Spilsbury and the Case of the Brides in the Bath, by Jane Robins
The Stone Murders, by Matti Joensuu
 I finished my review of Chef, by Jaspreet Singh

Read and not yet reviewed:
Our Kind of Traitor, by John LeCarre (ARC, courtesy of Viking/Penguin)

Currently Reading
February,  by Lisa Moore (on the Booker Prize Longlist)
Appointment With Death, by Agatha Christie

To be read this week, hopefully, but who knows:
finishing February, by Lisa Moore
starting Parrot and Olivier in America, by Peter Carey (on the Booker Prize Longlist)

as my daughter used to say in a rather flat tone, "whoopie doo," meaning big deal...I don't feel like I got much accomplished. Oh well!


  1. I feel miserable when I have one of "those" weeks, when hardly any reading gets done. But sometimes those weeks are just the inspiration we need for the next week to be better. I hope you have a great week in reading.

  2. I was just so busy...and normally I'll read late into the night when that happens, but I was exhausted. Arrgh!

  3. It doesn't look bad to me, but I don't what you normally read. I read about 3-4 books in a normal week.

    Hope this week is a bit better for you!

  4. Generally I read crime fiction, so I can sneak in a few more books per week because they go quickly. This has just been an off week for me in general. Thanks for popping in!

  5. Looking forward to hearing what you thought of Parrot -- it sounds like an interesting read.

  6. @Kathy: thanks! I have a birthday on Thursday!

    @gautami: I did okay...but it was a tough week

    @ Jess: I really enjoy Peter Carey's books (those I never give away), so we'll see.

    thanks to all of you for commenting!

  7. The Stone Murders sounds interesting! I need to check that out :)

  8. I'm adding The Stone Murders on my list! Happy reading!

  9. @ Sheila & Aleksandra: It's an oldie from the 80s, but still good. In fact, there is an entire other world of good and great mystery and crime fiction once you leave the US!

  10. You did get to do a lot of reading but I guess everyone has different standards. In my opinion, you did very well :)


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.