Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

This is a regular event at Crazy-for-books, where you can look around and see who reads and blogs about what. This week I found two new blogs that I found interesting (at least so far)

Bibliophile by the Sea and The Reading Life.

If you're so inclined, you might want to take a look at all of these blogs and say hi.

The book blogger hop is a good way to connect up with readers who are like minded. To be brutally blunt, in my case these types of events point out to me that I tend to march to the beat of a different drum in the reading world. So when I find blogs like the two above, I don't feel so isolated, and that's why I like doing these things. I mostly blog for myself, but I do like following others who have similar tastes.


  1. Just hopping by from the hop. The Painted Veil is my next read. I am going to sit down to lunch and read your review and explore your blog.

  2. I think you'll enjoy Painted Veil -- it just sort of captures you from the very beginning.

  3. Hello, I hopped by and enjoyed your blog...I'll be back ;)

  4. Very nice, bibliophiliac! I'll skip over to where you are too...tomorrow (my time is not my own the rest of today).

  5. thanks! This Sunday I'll go around again...busy busy weekend!


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.