Wednesday, December 31, 2014

looking ahead to 2015 -- you know, tomorrow...

The Great American novel. Is there such a thing? Throughout 2015,  I'm going to try to find it, if it exists. Or maybe it will take me a lot longer.  Doesn't matter.

I've been spending an ungodly amount of time going through bookshelves at my house lately, and have come to the conclusion that of all things, there are less American novels here than from any other country.  It  hit me that I'm sorely lacking in  knowledge re my own nation's authors so I've made up my mind to make their work my central reading focus for 2015.  Hours of research later, I've got a list of writers to get me started, in chronological order, no less. I'll pop in from time to time with the contemporary stuff, but I love having a direction, as in the case of my crime reading where I'm focusing on obscure/forgotten women mystery/crime writers.  Any ideas at all will be helpful and most appreciated.

On tap to start: The Coquette (1797) and The Boarding School, by Hannah Webster Foster.

 This is going to be a great reading year.


  1. Hope you find some treasures in this year of reading.

    1. I'm really looking forward to it. I've discovered books I never knew existed!


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.