Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day to all of my reader friends

My hat's especially off to those of you with small children who still manage to find time in the day to read. I've totally forgotten what a tremendous feat this is! I'm in Seattle with my son & his family and reading time doesn't manage to catch up to me until about 8 pm.

I hope everyone has a great mother's day ...and now I'm going to go get dim sum.


  1. I have two very active boys aged 6 and 2, and the only time I get to read ever is at night in bed (usually around 11 or 11:30). I try to read every day though and I guess I will eventually have time to read more.

    Hope your visit is going well, and Happy Mother's day!

  2. We're 3-1/2 and 2 here and it's lucky I have time to think much less read! I definitely don't mind though. Thanks for the mother's day happiness greeting and I hope yours was lovely. The dim sum was awesome.


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.