Friday, July 8, 2011

The Europa Challenge -- Like I need to add another one!

I received an email a few days ago that this challenge was going on, and realized that "hey! I have tons of books from Europa Editions!" and decided to give it a go.

There is a special blog just for the challenge, and there you will see that the blog (and the challenge) were started by "two friends and fans of the publisher Europa Editions, Marie and Liberty. Marie is a librarian and book blogger at Boston; Liberty is a bookseller and book-lover. Neither Liberty nor Marie is employed by Europa and the blog is a fan project and not formally affiliated with Europa Editions, which has nonetheless graciously provided us with a list of their books and the use of their logo."

As if I need to involve myself in another challenge, but what the heck. I'll be posting my reviews here or at the Crime Segments (because many of my Europa books are crime fiction) and providing a cross-link over at the challenge blog site.  If you aren't familiar with Europa Editions, you can click here for their main website.  They offer quality literature from all over the world and I've long been a huge fan (and studious collector) of their books.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you've joined the challenge too, Nancy! I'm really looking forward to your reviews.


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.