Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March -- The Aussie Author Challenge

This year I've taken on three reading challenges: the Chinese Literature Challenge, the Nordic Book Challenge and the 2011 Aussie Author Challenge.  The first two are going well; I haven't even started on the third, so it's time to get a move on.

Possible titles this month include:
The Yandilli Trilogy, by Rodney Hall 

Wonders of a Godless World, by Andrew McGahan

Riders in the Chariot, by Patrick White
Scream Black Murderby Philip McLaren

Breath, by Tim Winton

and whatever else I can find sitting on my shelves.

It should be a good month -- and I'll finally be able to post something at the challenge website! 


  1. I can definitely recommend Breath by Tim Winton - really great book. can i suggest you try something by Richard Flannagan? He is my all time favourite Australian author!

  2. I love Richard Flanigan! His Gould's Book of Fish is one of my favorite lifetime books. I have a few others, but maybe a reread of GBOF is in order! Thanks for suggesting him -- he's such a good author.

  3. I meant Flanagan. iPhones have the thinnest keypads!


Say what you will, but at least try to be nice about it.